About IAgSA
Welcome to IAgSA (Institute of Agricultural Secretaries & Administrators)
Who are we?
IAgSA (Institute of Agricultural Secretaries and Administrators) was incorporated in 1967 and is a professional organisation whose members offer a wide range of services to farming and rural businesses in the UK. IAgSA is respected throughout the farming and rural business industry.
What is our mission?
- To provide professional support to farm administrators and bookkeepers working in the UK rural economy.
- To support career development in rural business administration.
- To promote a high standard of professional conduct with farm and rural business administration.
What does IAgSA do?
- Maintains a membership database of all IAgSA members, which includes farm administrators,
bookkeepers, rural business administrators, farm secretaries, accountants, land agents,
and others. - Provides our members with relevant information and knowledge to assist them with their ongoing and Continuing Professional Development.
- Arranges training to help new entrants coming into the sector.
- Supports members to improve their technical knowledge and to meet other members and industry representatives through IAgSA Regional Training Days and our National Conference.
- Works to support local IAgSA Branches who provide local networks for IAgSA members across the UK.
- Engages with a wide audience via our
industry-recognised monthly technical bulletin. - Liaises and works with industry stakeholders, the government and others on farming issues that affect our members and their clients.
How do we manage ourselves?
- We follow a Constitution and Code of Conduct to provide our council and members with a framework in which to operate.
- Our Secretariat looks after the day-to-day activities of IAgSA, under the guidance of our council.
- Our Membership Panel approves all applications for membership.
- Our Disciplinary Committee ensures the good governance of membership in relation to the Code of Conduct and ethical matters.
What do we expect of our members?
- To abide by the Code of Conduct.
- To maintain and enhance their professional standards.
- To hold an Anti Money Laundering Supervisory Licence if required.
- To hold Professional Indemnity Insurance if required.
- To demonstrate continuing professional development and submit to IAgSA.
- To further the aims and objectives of IAgSA.
If you have any questions about IAgSA, please contact us.
IAgSA Council Members - Please use the Contact Us icon above to contact any member of Council
Council Members help IAgSA to provide a high-quality service to our membership, giving their time and expertise, commitment and enthusiasm. Many of our Council Members work as farm administrators or bookkeepers and so have a working appreciation of the day-to-day issues within our profession.

Lynn Briggs – Chair & Continuing Professional Development

Louise Templeton – Vice Chair & Compliance Officer

Emma Powell – Branches Representative

Hannah Stevenson - Mentor Programme Co-ordinator
She is also secretary of the Suffolk branch.

Amanda Runciman - Scotland Representative
The highlight of Amanda’s IAgSA career so far would be organising the 2020 IAgSA Conference in Peebles Hydro with the other Scottish Borders Branch committee members.

Lesley Morden - Treasurer

Sally Wood - Government Liaison Representative
Useful Weblinks
IAgSA members often need to liaise with a wide range of organisations for help, advice, services and support . We've gathered together a concise directory of useful phone numbers and web links to save you time - and to put you in touch with the right people.
Industry Links
- HMRC http://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-revenue-customs
- Rural Payments Agency (RPA) http://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/rural-payments-agency
- Environment Agency http://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency
- DEFRA http://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs
- Health & Safety Executive http://www.hse.gov.uk
- Government Gateway http://www.gateway.gov.uk (Registration is required to access government online services)
- British Cattle Movements Service (BCMS) http://www.gov.uk/cattle-tracing-online
- Farming Advice Service (FAS) https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/farming-advice-service
- Scotland http://www.gov.scot/Topics/farmingrural/Agriculture
- Wales http://gov.wales/topics/environmentcountryside/farmingandcountryside/?lang=en
Farming Charities
- Farming Community Network 03000 111 999 http://www.fcn.org.uk/
- RABI 0808 2819490 http://www.rabi.org.uk/
- RSABI/Gatepost 0300 111 4166 http://www.rsabi.org.uk/viewItem.php
- You Are Not Alone (YANA) 0300 323 0400 http://www.yanahelp.org/
- Farming Help 0845 367 9990 http://www.farminghelp.org.uk/
- Addington Fund 01926 620 135 http://www.addingtonfund.org.uk/
- Counselling Directory 0844 8030 240 http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk
- Rural Support Wales 01686 629480 http://www.ruralsupportwales.org.uk/
Farm Software Companies
- Agridata http://www.agridata.co.uk Software program is suitable for beef, dairy and sheep enterprises
- Farmdata Management Systems http://www.farmdata.co.uk Software programs for livestock, crops, financial and payroll
- Farmplan Computer Systems http://www.farmplan.co.uk Farm accounts, livestock and GateKeeper cropping software for UK farm record management. Support, training and IT services also available.
- FarmWorks by Shearwell Data http://www.shearwell.co.uk Complete management program for the cattle and sheep farmer with data transfer capabilities
- Landmark Systems http://www.landmarksystems.co.uk Simple, cost-effective software for accounting and property management.
- Lines Mitchell http://www.linesmitchell.co.uk Farm management software for all your Cross Compliance, EID, Cattle, Sheep, Arable, NVZ, Vet and Medicine records and Single Farm Payment applications.
- Muddy Boots http://www.muddyboots.com Comprehensive, easy-to-use, farm recording solutions that manage all aspects of crop production.
- Planet http://www.planet4farmers.co.uk Nutrient management software and compliance with the Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) regulations.
- Sum-It Computer Systems http://www.sum-it.co.uk Integrated farm management software for farm accounts, dairy, beef, sheep and field records.
Contact IAgSA
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