Jobs Available
We advertise an increasing number of full-time, part-time or freelance positions for farm administrators and bookkeepers within the UK rural economy. We also publicise the services of our members to the wider rural community.
Are you looking for a new position?
See the latest jobs available - Our jobs board can only be viewed by IAgSA members. You need to log in first. If you would like to become a member, please see our Join us section.
Publicise your services - IAgSA members can share details about their services within our Members’ Directory . This is especially useful if you are self-employed and offer freelance services. You can choose whether to make your services visible only to other IAgSA members - or to make them public so they can be seen by the wider industry.
Are you looking to employ a farm administrator or bookkeeper?
IAgSA members can be a great asset to farms and rural business, with many valuable, specialist skills to offer.
Advertise your position to our professionals - If you need a farm administrator and/or bookkeeper, then we can advertise your position to our members in your area - on our jobs board, by email and more widely through our monthly Technical Bulletin. Simply click here to post a job
View our Members’ Directory - Some IAgSA members choose to advertise their services within our Membership Directory . It's worth checking to see if there's a professional available in your area that can offer the freelance farm administration and/or bookkeeper services you require. Please contact us if you have any questions about advertising industry jobs.